Micro-Needling and Cosmetic Acupuncture
Awakening Balance Acupuncture offers cosmetic acupuncture as well as micro-needling also known as micro-channeling to increase collagen and elastin in the skin itself that decreases fine lines. Our treatments have been rated superior to other local and international micro-needling treatments because additionally we take the time to treat the whole body with customized body acupuncture before our facial care. This double treatment during a single treatment time works because, while the whole body is balancing energetically with body acupuncture, the facial techniques are being performed for a complete and balanced personized rejuvenation experience. Our unique technique plumps the skin and creates an overall youthful appearance that is immediately noticeable both inside the patient and outside for the cosmetic appearance of the patient. We also offer homeopathic collagen injections at an additional charge that naturally plump the skin and can also be used to boost joint collagen that actually eliminates joint pain in degenerative joint cases, that’s how powerful homeopathic collagen can be. However when used cosmetically for skin rejuvenation, these natural dermal fillers do not make an artificial static residence in the body, but instead nourish the natural tissues in a restorative way, giving the skin back its youthful tone. If you’re into natural beauty and healthy skin care, we encourage you to try cosmetic acupuncture and see first-hand how our balanced and whole person treatments make you look and feel.
Healthy Anti-Aging Skincare Products
At Awakening Balance, we have created our own all natural, herbal-infused serums to nourish your skin. Our ant-aging serums applied daily nourish and re-balance the skin, thus helping to regain a more youthful appearance.
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