I specialize in pain management, anxiety, allergies and digestive disorders using acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Therapy and a range of available functional and alternative modalities.
In conjunction with Chinese Herbal Therapy and acupuncture, I provide a personalized prescription and TCM diagnosis for each patient. My extensive training in herbal protocols include herbal tinctures, tonics, teas and granular.
My dream is to bring acupuncture to people on a large scale. This includes a diversity of people and places such as military bases, hospitals, schools, workplaces and industry which can all have access to this simple but very powerful medicine.
Andres Trujillo
Hello, my name is Andres Trujillo and I would be very happy to discuss with you your health concerns and what we can do to help you find balance and relief.
My treatments consist of a combination of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, including a variety of modern techniques including (Electro-Acupuncture, Warm Needle Technique, Master Tung's Protocol, Scalp, Korean Hand, Cupping, and Auriculotherapy.